
Belkyra® (also known as Kybella) is an  injectable drug used to reduce the fat in the submental area, also known as double chin. This non-surgical treatment uses deoxycholic acid – a naturally occurring substance found in the body – to destroy the membranes of fat cells, creating a beautifully contoured silhouette below the chin. Belkyra is approved by Health Canada.

Why we love it?

• Safe and effective

Minimizing the appearance of a double chin

• Long-lasting results

• Quick treatment time

Before / After


What is belkyra?

Belkyra® is a treatment for submental fullness, more commonly referred to as the double chin.

Belkyra® is a Health Canada approved product injected directly into the chin to dissolve fat cells.  Belkyra® can contour the shape of your lower face by eliminating fat and resulting in a more defined chin and jawline.

Belkyra’s main active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a similar synthetic version of a molecule your body produces naturally to break down fat.  When injected, fat membranes are destroyed and the remaining is absorbed back into the body.

How does Belkyra work?

When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Belkyra® destroys fat cells, and once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. This results in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin, revealing an improved chin profile.

How long is a belkyra treatment?

Following an in-depth consultation with one of our specialists, a treatment usually takes about fifteen to thirty minutes. Depending on the severity of submental fullness, a client may need two to six treatments.

How does it feel?

Treatment is relatively pain-free. There may be some temporary soreness or swelling following treatment

What are the common side effects?

Swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, areas of hardness, tingling or itchiness in the treatment area.

How many treatments will I need?

The improvement of your chin profile will gradually improve over a number of treatment sessions customized by your health care provider. Typically, 2-4 treatments are recommended which are administered at 4-6 week intervals. Up to 6 treatments may be administered.

How far apart are the treatments?

Sessions are spaced no more than one month apart and a maximum of 6 treatments may be given.

Re-treatment is not needed in most patients and the results have been noted to last at least 4 years.



Schedule your free consultation with a registered nurse, to discuss your goals, assess your skin and design a treatment plan just for YOU.